

Diversity Breeds Unique Perspectives

The Labtician team encompasses expertise from all over the World.

When you have a presence in every corner of the globe diversity is both desirable and essential. While we are Canadian based, our team hails from over 19 different countries and our global partners give us unique insights into the markets they serve. Our shared values are the glue that makes us a unified force for the global advancement of eye care.

Moving Vision Forward

This phrase is not just a slogan; it is our mission. Every team member shares a commitment to advance eye care through partnership, connection and collaboration.

Leadership Team

Polydor Strouthos


Polydor’s vision and expertise is what makes Labtician thrive. His ability to see differently and bring unique solutions empowers us to be collaborative and bring innovation to practice. Being customer centric and challenging the norm is the strength of our ‘family’.

Cleon Strouthos

Vice President

Cleon challenges our ‘family’ to break down barriers and use our diversity as our biggest strength. Working together to leverage our partners worldwide is the right thing to do and enables Labtician to continually bring innovation to practice.

Ray Dube

Managing Partner

Ray’s experience and support is one more reason why Labtician is exceptional at bringing innovation to practice. His ‘Yes, we can’ leadership encourages forward thinking to keep our ‘family’ ahead of the curve.

Team Interaction

Watch our team pull a truck! Working together, we get it done!

With Teamwork Anything is Possible

The Labtician team pulls for Second Harvest

Being part of the Labtician team means giving back to our communities. In this case a team from Labtician competed in the Hero Truck Pull in support of Second Harvest, Canada’s largest charitable food rescue organization. Second Harvest works with thousands of food businesses from across the supply chain to reduce the amount of edible food going to waste. This model helps redirect surplus food to thousands of charities and non-profits across Canada. And the Labtician team helped raise funds to support this important work.

Interested in advancing eye care around the world?

Learn more about a career at Labtician.