
ENDORET: Bioregenerative Medicine – Plasma Rich in Growth Factors

ENDORET: The Value of PRGF – A Case Series Presentation

Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF) is a personalised technology that has revolutionised the field of regenerative medicine. Its application has extended to many fields of medicine, from oral and maxillofacial surgery to dermatology, cosmetics, orthopaedic surgery...
Taking Ocular Surface Regeneration to the Next Level

Taking Ocular Surface Regeneration to the Next Level

Clinical Application of Endoret® (Plasma Rich in Growth Factors) in Refractory Ocular Surface Disease Patients. PRGF is a personalised technology that has revolutionised the field of regenerative medicine. Its application over the last decade has extended to many...
Taking Ocular Surface Regeneration to the Next Level

Excisional Goniotomy for the Cataract Practice

Dr. Blake Williamson illustrates the use of excisional goniotomy with the Kahook Dual Blade (KDB) to treat multiple glaucoma patient types in a comprehensive cataract practice. In addition, Dr. Gavin Docherty will share his experience using the KDB in his...